Archive | November 2013

Smooth Movement and Recursive Asteroids

Colors, turrets, and asteroids have been added to the game engine since the last video.

Ship Movement and Collision Testing

Showcasing the ship moving around, and the different types of collision that can occur.

New Blog

Hello, and welcome to my blog!

I’m currently a student at Neumont University. I am aiming for a bachelor’s degree in software and game development. I have just started my fifth quarter, and have taken several programming classes, including basic Java and C#.

I have begun to learn C++, and am currently making a basic game engine for class.

Outside of my official classes, I’m also learning Japanese, and am visiting the country this December.

This blog will be used as a portfolio for future use as a developer. I will be using videos and pictures of my current projects to display my progress as a programmer.

Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you enjoy what I have to offer!